Monday 25 September 2017

The Minister of Mining Hits the Ground Running

  By Rorisang David Mahlo

In his second week in the portfolio of the Minister of Mining, Honourable Keketso Sello joined the Ministry hitting the ground running by taking a familiarisation tour, visiting the two closely neibouring Mining Companies; Liqhobong Mining Development Company (LMDC)-(Fire Stone) and Storm Mountain Diamonds (SMD) (Ugrane & Namaqwa Diamonds) from the 4th -5th July 2017 consecutively.

The purpose of this tour was basically to familiarize himself with the existing realities of the economics of the mining sector, so as to mark the key areas of interest that may need some developments in the near future as a key policy instrument.

Amongst many things that were organized as a package of his tour, were the brief presentations narrating the history of each mining company, their mode of operations to this far, the challenges each company is facing and their surviving strategies in the sector.

Most interestingly, each mining company rejoiced for meeting and hosting the Honourable Minister as their VIP guest.  Each mining company demonstrated how they go about mining diamonds and the equipment they use. They also took him to the various operational sections that together form their designated leased area of mining.  

In their individual remarks while addressing the Honourable Minister, both LMDC and SMD Chairpersons strongly expressed their gratitude and both highlighted with appreciation of the key fact of difference between the newly in coming Ministers with the former Ministers, who showed a keen interest to visit them in his few early days in the office. They both reckoned that as signal of a positive spirit of interest in his work duristriction.

“The Mining sector must be proud that today we have a Minister who is not an office type, but a Minister who is ready to dress up his protective clothing to timeously address the mining challenges on site.” Says Poul Bosma the general Manager LMDC.

One of those thing Bosma would never leave out in his address was: “let me quickly highlight, that Liqhobong is only youngest and newly established Mining Company that is highly promising in terms production.” To this far, this company has exported only four times, and performed very well in the market though the company has not yet recovered any history making stones.” Says Bosma.

Liqhobong has started its commercial mining operations in October 2016 and they are anticipating to produce even more for the period fifteen years plus, as per the focasting the mining plan.

Similarly, their neibouring Mining Company- Storm Mountain Diamonds (SMD) Chairperson- Mitford Mundell also warmly welcomed the New Mining Minister alluding to his quick gesture of his presence in the sector through the organized visit. He also commended him for doing things differently. 

In his welcome remarks the SMD Chairperson –Mundell showed that, “…though SMD is a low grade mine, but it is highly blessed with unique colorful diamond production that attracts the market and consequently yielding high revenue.”  Also, the SMD Chairperson could not hesitate to mention to the Hon Minister that:” Kao Mine is regionally profiled as the largest Kimberlite pipe in Lesotho and the fourth largest in Southern Africa.”

At the end of this tour Honourable Sello indicated that this visit was just an eye opening tour to see what actually is happening in the mining sector as opposed to the unbalanced and sourceless rumour about the sector. He also indicated that, he is yet to organise another round of tour with a different objective next time.

Finally, Honourable Sello thanked the two neibouring Mining companies for their hearty welcome and for their spontaneous response to his sudden request to meeting them on site.  The Honourable Minister expressed with no uncertain terms that his office operates with the policy of open doors to everyone, so should there be any need to meet him, they are all more than welcome.   

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