Monday 25 September 2017

Letšeng Receives Their Fair Share of Directives

By Rorisang David Mahlo

Letšeng Diamond Mine hosted the Minister of Mining - Honourable Keketso Sello for the first time ever at their operational site. This visit was scheduled and happened on the 9th of August 2017; on a very clear sky but as usual, under the normal cold winds of the cliffs of the highest mountain passes of Mokhotlong District ranging around 3225 meters above the sea level. 

Unlike the first two neighboring Mining companies that hosted the Hon. Minister prior to Letšeng which are Liqhobong and Kao, this time around the Minister`s tour was influenced by mammoth of issues of community and national interest, which the Honourable Minister wanted to hear them reported or denied on point blank in their first meeting so as to set the record straight.

Moreover, the acting Chief Executive Officer for Letseng- Mr. Jeff Leaver expressed his company`s gratitude that “Letšeng Management feels honoured and delighted to have a chance to host  a dignitary of the stature in this premise.” He told the Hon. Minister to be comfortable and feel at home.

To start with and in no particular order of any importance, the issues pertaining to the existing nepotism based on different factors such as nationalities of employees were discussed. It is in this deliberation where the Letšeng Human Resource Manager (HRM) Ms. Maleshoane Kemeng denied the allegations that the consultancy jobs are offered based on discriminatory grounds. Defending that, she said that Letšeng Diamond only engage consultancy jobs for the specific and short term and highly scares skills required in the mine.

Following that, was the question why Basotho cannot occupy the high ranking positions on permanent bases while there is a binding agreement of the transfer of skills between the Government and Letšeng Diamond Mine. In this regard, Letšeng Management disputed the claims and promised to provide the source documentation that will lay off the Hon. Minister`s fear, that will also show their pay roll and indicate who occupies which position in the mine.

Besides that, the matter of unfair procurement services provided in the mine, that economically sabotages Lesotho and Basotho`s business community was discussed. In response to this, the Letšeng Procurement Manager- Mrs. Hilda Chakela strongly denied the allegation by categorically highlighting the three (3) different stages at which procurement services are undertaken, starting from the lowest to the highest where services are competed for in a form of tenders. 

The procurement was one area whose deliberations got so heated up, but it was resolved that without any failure Letšeng is expected to substantiate their claims with specific references before the Ministry as soon as they can possible do (ASAPD).  They were also requested to provide the ministry with their procurement policy as their guiding tool. 

Furthermore, Hon. Sello also expressed his disappointment to Letšeng by questioning what informs the mine`s way of hiring the use of Yellow Plant Machinery in the mine; and why is it consistently a one man monopoly. The response to that was, since it is one of the major and core works of the mine, it is also follows the tendering process that pays more than Million. It is also guided by terms, conditions and set by the mine. Nevertheless, just like others, Letšeng was instructed to submit the supporting records of their claims for the ease of checks and balances.

In his closing remarks, Hon. Sello could not hesitate but uttered a directive to Letšeng Management to be kind-“… and find some space in your tight  budget allocation to spare some funds for the rehabilitation of the proper police guards stationed in the mine. They also deserve some decent working environment as they are deployed here to protect you guys,” says Hon. Sello.
In a nutshell, just like the first two organised familiarisation tours from Liqhobong and Kao Mines before the Letšeng one - this tour included a brief overview of the mine and presentations narrating their mode of operations under each section, the challenges each section is facing and their surviving strategies in the sector.
Most importantly the guest of honour (Hon. Sello) and his entourage were given a privilege of physically to tour around the two pits being mined by Letšeng Diamond being the (Main Pipe and the Satellite Pipe). They also visited various sections of different operational sections like the preliminary crushing plant, recovery plant, the sort house, the tailing dams, and many more.           

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