Wednesday 21 March 2018

Introduction of the First Coal Prospecting Company at Qhalasi

By Rorisang David Mahlo.

Unprocessed Coal Sample
Following the diversification attempts undertaken by the Ministry in the year 2017 through the signing of the Memoranda of understanding between Masemanzi Mining Holding and the Ministry of Mining, the Minister of Mining Hon. Keketso Sello brought a joy of hope to Qhalasi Community in Mohale`s Hoek.  “As the Minister vested with powers to govern and regulate the Mining in Lesotho, I stand here to introduce our Lesotho`s first Coal Mining Investor - Masemanzi Mining Holding to you and please accept him as part of you,” said the Minister with a smile of excitement for achievement.

This happened on Friday the 16th March 2018 - a remarkable day of dances, ululations and joy during  the local commemoration of introduction of the first and the only coal mining company  that has started prospecting the feasibility of the existence of the coal at Majapereng and Matebeleng in Qhalasi within Mohale`s Hoek District.

Hon. Minister Sello on the Inspection
This event started with an inspection of the progress made to this far after the agreed dates of commencement of sampling stipulated in their work programme, that included activities of social participation and many other expected from the company. Therefore, this day was marked as the confirmation day and official introduction of the prospecting company after carrying out certain activities with the sceptic community that was a bit doubtful about the company.

Senior Officials at the Inspection
“I grew up in this place, heard and saw the clear proof of existence of this Mineral- coal in our area but as laypeople we always thought that ours were just a fugue while seeing Basotho importing coal from our neighboring country Republic of South Africa,” said Mr. Lethusang Tlaletsa. Adding that when they grew up as young boys looking after their forefather’s animals, they used to play with this special commodity innocently not even thinking that one day, the very same commodity will be regarded as something of good value in life.

Qhalasi Community During the Gathering
Most importantly, “today we are gathered here to celebrate and bear the witness of the official launch of our Coal Investor who has been with us for some time now since the year 2017 for prospecting,” said Mr. Tlaletsa. With the presence of the senior government officials of the caliber of Ministers, as according to him, the community and those that were skeptic about this Investor will now see the seriousness of this endeavour.

On top of that, Mr. Tlaletsa, indicated that it would be a remiss of him to step down without reminding the investor publicly that as a hungry community, they have securely kept all good promises made in their hearts and in the official documents shared with the authorities. Adding that in case everything comes out as anticipated they will be hungrily waiting with patience to see their dream come true as per the promises. “We still maintain our promise back that if you could adhere to our signed promises we will be the first one to protect you against all odds,” concluded Tlaletsa.

Exposed Natural Coal at the Site 
On behalf of the local youth, Motšoene Rakomane stood up to represent his local peers and passed on their heart felt gratitude now that something that is about to change their lives is yet to happen in their area. “Most of us in this area have no Mining qualifications but there are some who have studied from other fields that might be of assistance in the administration of the Mining sector, so we once again want to humbly ask you to also consider them for employment when there are vacancies,” requested Rakomane.

He went on to add that, “we also understand that for some of us who have not gone any far with schooling, we will think of establishing companies with services needed in the mining sector since this company cannot hire all unskilled local youth,” said Rakomane.

In response to the community needs and pledges, Mr. Wonderboy Manzini the Investor, stood up to reconfirm his promises to the local community and to give thanks for the hearty welcome that he received during his first arrival in the area. He went on to show that “I am hoping for best and harmonious relation between us, most especially when the project is up and running,” said Mr Manzini.

Exposed Natural Coal at the Site
Mr Manzini also announced that he is clearly very much aware that there have been many mining companies that came before his in Lesotho but he wants to run this mine differently to the way other Mining companies have done before. “I want to assure you publicly that, no one will ever come from South Africa to work for this company here,” announced Mr. Manzini.

Also he confirmed that it is his understanding that the project of this nature must bring community empowerment by all forms. Mentioning a few that “if this project will require electricity for its operations, definitely the local community will also have access to it, and if this company will need the access roads to and from the site, obviously the community will also benefit from such access roads, and even extend a helping hand to network even other close by villages,” reported Manzini.

On behalf of the Qhalasi Constituency Hon. Palo Leteetee thanked the right Hon. the Prime Minister and the Minister of Mining for pursuing this long awaited community development project. “This project started during our tenure of the governance and it makes us very proud that the present government took over all the good things that we did for the benefit of the people,” said Hon. Leteetee.

Hon. Leteetee & Hon. Sello on Site
Also in support of the vicinity constituency, the MP for Taung Selemo Mangoebe as a neighbour expressed that he felt a dire need to come and bear the witness and to give a backup support to his colleagues and the community at large, “We are afraid to even celebrate this overly, taking into account that this project is at its early stage- of Prospecting phase, which is vulnerable stage where it might happen to get some disapproving messages,” said Hon. Mangoebe  We are going to keep praying for the success of this project for the benefit of both Qhalasi and Taung communities.
In his keynote address the Minister of Mining accompanied by the Minister of Defence Hon. Sentje Lebona, started first by commending the Mining Officials who made that gathering a success. Singling out the office of Commissioner of Mines for exceptionally living up to his promise he made. “I want you to all know that this Ministry has been blessed with the special kind of civil servants who are ready to serve their nation at all costs and at all times - these ones never slag in their respective duties,” announced the Minister.

Secondly, reference to the Investor, Hon. Sello warned the investor that “gone are the days of selling the lip-language my man, this nation will be patiently waiting to see this project materialising here,” said Hon. Sello.

Protected Drilled Area for Sampling
Similarly, the Minister explained to the community that, currently the commercial mining operations have not yet started and asked them be a bit patient because when that moment comes, he promised that he will come again personally to throw a big party as Basotho`s traditional way of celebrating and declaring to their ancestors that Masemanzi is official operating in this country.

He also highlighted that if Qhalasi has initiated first, this might be a signal that might even provoke for more Coal Mining Investors to come and explore for more Coal opportunity in a bankable and sustainable manner in some other parts of the country just as diamonds did. “We optimistically hope that this is just the beginning of more good things yet to happen,” said Minister Sello.  

He finally concluded his speech by thanking Majantja for turning up in such big numbers for his call. “I truly feel privileged and honoured to officially be part of this history in the Making,” said the Minister. 

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